P. 51-53
“We are all of the same stuff, you know. We are all of Christ consciousness. We are simply in different levels of our awareness of this. As you move into consciousness, you realign all things, you co-resonate with all things in a new way. And our vibration, as we would teach you, is here to shepherd you. You may align to us at any moment simply by saying, “Welcome.” If you wish to practice it now, you may. In your mind, say the word “welcome” and allow our frequency to be in attendance to you in a way that you may know.”
As we were learning together Sunday morning I had a thought or a vision related to a teacher of mine in college. He was an exceptionally brilliant man, but as a teacher he had the ability to step away from any sense of superiority. He had a way of allowing us to sense that we were all learning together. Even though he was in the particular role of teacher and we were in the role of students, there seemed to be no judgment or comparison. A perception of separateness or hierarchy simply did not exist. I have a sense that our work together with the Guides reflects this same sort of equality.
I notice that this cannot be explained in a logical or linear way, and yet the truth of it is still here. As we have encountered many times before, the knowing that we speak of is beyond our rational minds and intellect.
The only limitation in our learning and our knowing is our ability to allow.
“Now we are authorized to do this by you as you allow it and align to it. We take nothing from you, and what we do with you is support you in your own achievement as the one who chooses herself to be on this journey to her own recognition, to his own recognition of his divine worth. You are aligned now to the extent that you are allowed to.
Now, what does it mean, “to the extent that you are allowed to”? We take you through a process here of alignment and removal of obstacles and obstructions that you have created or inherited in order to know yourself through limitation. As we attend to these, you lift your vibration to the extent that you allow yourself to lift, and we shift you as you allow us to shift you. Now we work with you each, the readers of this text, in frequency to support this, but you must say “welcome.”
Simply put, and I hope this is not an oversimplification, “How well do we listen to our inner voice?”
So much of the work that we are doing is the cultivation of our awareness of our own intuitive knowing. We are not creating something new; we are listening to what has already been there or has always been there.
What I'm going to suggest next might feel a bit like heresy. Please know it comes from my own limited sense of awareness of what is. The energy or the beings or the vibrations that we are calling the Guides, in essence is our own intuitive voice, our connection to divine wisdom. It is much easier for us, at least in the beginning, to give this power over to another being or group of beings wiser or more knowledgeable than ourselves. Ultimately, however, we are opening ourselves to the awareness that our intuitive knowing, or our inner voice is literally our connection to the divine.
The distinction we need to make is that in our language we use terms such as “my inner voice” and this is where we can create an error in our thinking or in our awareness. The inner voice does not belong to me as a personality; the inner voice is the inner voice of all sentient beings. It is the divine connection within all beings. The paradox arises when we also realize that he inner voice or God speaking to us or through us comes through this instrument of our being in a unique way. So that your expression of divine truth might be different from my expression of divine truth and yet ultimately it is One and the same.
I know I am stretching here and this is going a little bit far out, but I'll do it anyway. I believe Jesus came to a point in his life, in his realization of the Christ, as the Christ consciousness, when he became a pure instrument of divine wisdom so that all beings could here and listen and learn in the same way. He became such a pure vessel of the Father that the words and actions and vibration that came from him expressed only One truth because there is only One truth: God is Love.
“Now we will explain what we did when we asked you to claim, “I am Word.” If you are new to our teaching, you may not know that the frequency we attend to we claim as the Word, which is the energy of the Creator in action. The aspect of you that is already this is awakened through this choice to self-identify as the frequency.
When you claim, “I am Word through my body,” you bring the physical being that you are in accordance to that frequency of the Word. When you claim “I am Word through my vibration,” you align your energy field to the frequency of the Word. When you claim, “I am Word through my knowing of myself as Word,” you realign your true self, the identity that you hold, in recognition of your worth as the aspect of the Creator that can be realized in form. And our definition of the Christ, and the one that we offer here, is that the Christ is the aspect of the Creator that can be realized in material form as you.”
The above section is a summary of the first book and all that we have covered in the second one. There us a piece that I would like to add or emphasize here for a moment. We use the mantra “I am word through my… Word I am Word.” It is suggested in the first book that even we find ourselves stumbling or attached or angry or fearful that we can use this same expression to raise the vibration of our human experience to a higher level, to one that lives in spirit.
The example I shared on Sunday was that I found myself becoming both angry and obsessed with a person in my life, and even though I was angry and upset, I recalled the prayer that was passed onto me, a prayer that expressed Unity and release from anger and fear.. I didn't want to say it. Part of me was enjoying or getting some vicarious pleasure out of being right and I did not want to let go of that.
I recalled some of our teaching, and said to myself, “Word I am Word through my anger, Word I am Word.” Now to the intellect this will sound ridiculous because it will seem that I am affirming my anger or even giving it more energy. The truth is when I put it in the context of “The Word” that I am raising the vibration of whatever is going on with me past the perception of anger to something higher. For example, my anger and my self-righteousness, as I sat with it for a while, was a reflection of my fear related to my lack of control over another human being. So when I put my anger in the context of “The Word” I became aware that it was my fear that was creating the anger, and I became much more willing to release it, to let it go and to hold this other human being in the light, to hold him in love, to be able to see beyond this personality self.
I think I will close with one and say to you and all of the healing beings who are present “Welcome.”
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