P. 4-6
(I inadvertently skipped some material on p. 2-4–Sorry, I will return to that next week).
We began with a question. “What is the Christ-Consciousness? We all “kinda, sorta” know what that means, but if you only “kinda sorta” know what something means then you can only “kinda sorta” participate in that knowing.
Let’s just take a simple example, because this is simple, not complicated. The mind likes to complicate things, and, of course, it is never satisfied, so the explanations here are not meant to completely satisfy the mind, but they will do some of that. The deeper purpose here is to be who you are—to thine own self be true—or to your higher self be true.
We all know what is like to be loving—that could be giving or receiving or both.
We all know what it is like to be “out of love”—to be in the vibration of anger, hatred, revenge, being right, etc.
We also realize when we are out of love that we have a choice to be back in it. That’s not a feeling. It’s more than that, it’s a choice. There have been many times in our lives when we have not felt like being loving—-but we still have a choice no matter what we feel.
Interesting—I have a choice to be in the consciousness of Christ, the consciousness of love or not.
See here is another thing. No one ever taught me I had a choice. If I was angry at you or you at me—that was it. You could bury it, but it was like nuclear waste, it had a half life of 25,000 years!
Being in love is being in the Christ Consciousness. It is choice, but we rarely recognize the choice. You have to be awake enough to choose. You have to be present to win.
We’ve all had the experience that once we have processed a piece of information, we realize that when we spoke, or when acted, we were so identified with our anger, our self-righteousness, that we spoke or acted from that limited place of anger or hurt, and we realize we could have done that much better. So we ask forgiveness and healing, release it, let it go. This takes much humility, wisdom, and selflessness.
It is not a matter of judgment, guilt, blame or being a doormat.
Last week I was messing around on Facebook which I don’t do a whole lot of, but I was being rather self-righteous and I came across this comment that I just had to respond to or thought I had to respond to. So I did in a very sarcastic way, and no sooner had I posted my sarcastic response that I got an even deeper sarcastic response from the author. Before I could reply again, I paused for moment and I saw where this was going. I decided I could stop. I wrote a short note back saying simply stating that I should not have responded in anger, “Forgive me.”
And I was really in that space, not blaming and not even completely releasing my outrage because my personality self was still attached to being right, but I also knew that I had a choice to be loving. Now it also wasn’t long before my ego got a hold of all that and said, “What a good boy am I. How wonderful of me to be so much better, so much more in tune then this other person.
Well, that was much more long winded than I thought.
Now Paul is wondering, are we telling mankind that they are the Christ? And yes, we are. But you have not known the magnificence of who and what you are because you have not been attuned to the possibility that it can be so.
I am going to emphasize the word “possibility” here. You don’t have to eat the whole sandwich in one bite. You don’t have to completely and totally be in the Christ Consciousness right now and forever. All we are being asked to do at this point is to open ourselves to the POSSIBILITY that I AM THE CHRIST/WORD and so of course is every one else.
Can you do that? Open yourself up to the POSSIBILITY?
We have spoken of this before, but the concept is repeated here—You are always creating. As ACIM states, “We are either creating from a state of unconsciousness, what is called ‘default’, or we are creating consciously.
“You design this, you know. You are so used to this, to playing the game of limitation that you create from it. It is the hat you wear that shields you from the sun that would awaken you. “I know who I am in my limitation, in my poverty, in my fear, in my shame, in my unknowing.”
You can even creat illusions (and think they are real).
The transformation that happens here is that we create from Awareness which is creating from Love, which is creating from our Christ Consciousness.
A little side trip: in the first book I AM WORD, we were taught how to “Word” through something. Whatever might be going on with you, anger, fear, doubt, confusion,
you say to yourself, out loud or silently, “Word I Am Word through my fear” (or whatever else is up for you).
Now to the thinking mind, that seems a little nuts because it appears as if you are reenforcing your fear, or whatever is bugging you, but that is not what is happening here. By claiming yourself as Word/Word of God/Christ Consciousness, you are claiming dominion/power over your fear. You are saying “I have fear, but it is not who I am.” I am claiming a deeper Truth, and when I do that the fear, or whatever it is, has to begin to dissipate.
It is like that wonderful prayer, “Lord, I believe, help my unbelief.”
“We do not design a text to make you feel better about yourselves, that is not our interest. However, it is helpful if you feel good because you will be more attentive. But when we say we want you knowing, we want you knowing of your worth in a profound way.
I love this piece. You see it is my personality self that is always looking to feel good, that is its primary goal. The soul cares more about Being Good than feeling good. But because the guides realize we are still very much in our humanness, they accept that feeling good is still one of our goals.
Let’s close with this one:
“I have a right to live my life in an awareness of my Christed Self in my manifestation and call to me those experiences, those expressions of the Christ that would meet me at this level of knowing.”
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