Tuesday, March 20, 2018


P. 7-9

The Workbook of ACIM begins with questioning everything we see/experience, but then we are also reminded that we are responsible for all this “stuff” and our interpretation of it. In other words, we created it. I realize that continues to be a difficult concept to embrace, but the emphasis here is not to condemn or judge ourselves for what appears to be quite messy, but to realize that if we have the power to create a messy planet (by default) or unconsciously, then we also have the ability to create the Kingdom of Heaven as well. But, see the challenge is that we really don’t believe that.
As we open up more and more and realize the truth of our being, then accepting and working with our creative power will become more meaningful and even joyful. A simple example of that on a personal level will be that instead of reacting to the things of life(which is more or less a learned response from fear and protectiveness) we will realize we have the choice to respond—from love, compassion, etc. This is the true meaning of responsibility—it is the “ability to respond.” I can still respond in the old ways—in the ways of lower vibration—that choice is not taken away from me, but I also realize I have a the choice to respond in a higher way as well.
What I will also begin to become more conscious of is that the old ways no longer fit for me; they have lost their appeal. I recognize that my need to protect or my need to be right no longer hold their attraction. As Paul said, “When I was a child....”(I Corinthians 13:11)

The reading and study* of this book will open the mind up to new possibilities and will also expand the consciousness of all beings. 
There are words that the mind can understand (but they will not completely satisfy the intellect). More importantly there is a vibration, a higher frequency, that accompanies this text which is also working with each one of us. It would be as if you were reading a book, and there was this wonderful music playing in the background, that allowed the deeper meaning of all those words sink into your consciousness with little effort on your part. (That’s the best I can do with that metaphor).

*We do not mean study like homework. Study here means being willing to sit with this material, especially when it is puzzling, and instead of trying to figure it out, just really sit with it—let it speak to you; let it speak to you where you are at. It will speak to you—even the silence has meaning—in fact probably more meaning than a bunch of words. The Tao says, “He who speaks does not know; he who knows does not speak.” (I wonder what that says about me???)

“Now we say to you: What you witness, what you have created and are in agreement with, you are shaking hands with. When you agree with something, you shake its hand and you are in alignment with it. What you are in alignment with, you concur with, you are in co-resonance as. What you are in co-resonance as, you hold as your frequency. What you hold as your frequency you manifest.”

What reactions that I am noticing about myself no longer serve me; no longer fit? As I discover each one of these, I become willing to surrender them, let them go. That does not mean they will just disappear, in fact, they might make quite a racket as I am releasing them. These old behaviors and attitudes might remain somewhat seductive for a time. What we are realizing more and more deeply is that these behaviors, attitudes and beliefs are not who you are (in fact, they never were.)

To put it in the simple, yet profound language of this book, “What are you choosing to be in alignment with? What do you resonate with?

We are all hearing the resonance of that Divine tuning fork that is continuing to call us to Love, and we are all allowing ourselves to respond to that call, but there are also all sorts of other bells ringing—all sorts of other vibrations that also might seem to be quite attractive. 

I am often reminded of the parable of the Prodigal Son. He listened to and was drawn by the vibration of riches and pleasure. When that fell apart, he decided to go back home. Now the piece that grabs me is that the vibration of the Father’s love never left him. He might have forgotten it, shut it out, but it was always there. When he surrendered, hit bottom, let go of all those addictions and attachments that were in the way, that vibration of the Father’s love came through loud and clear. (I am beginning to realize that there are many ideas and beliefs that can become much clearer with the understanding and application of vibration and frequency!)

“As we say you are the Christ, you must remember yourselves and release the acquisitions, the claims of self, the things you co-resonate with that are not in alignment with this truth. And those things that are not in alignment will be released for you by the reading of this text. We have a mission here that those of you who decide, and we underline decide, that this can be so, will have the experience that is intended by this text. Those of you who decide that you may align, that you may be in triumph, that you may be risen as the Christ manifested in man, will have the experience, and the knowing, and the absolution of your history as one in limitation that may be claimed at this juncture, at your time.”

Let’s close with this sentence from the text:

“Who you are, we say, is who you say you are. Understand this please. Who you are is what you say you are. “I am an aspect of the Creator in form” is a claim of worth and truth.”
Some of the fear we might have in claiming this truth comes from our experiences of living in ego consciousness, and how the ego has lead us down some pretty disastrous paths, especially addictions. It is imperative to know we are not claiming from my ego power or my personality self. The claiming of my Truth has nothing to do with power, control or manipulation. This is why one of the deeper learnings we are called to here is to work on trusting our heart, our own inner wisdom. This is a process that is continuing to unfold.


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