Wednesday, May 30, 2018


“As we will continue with this text, we will be gifting you things, both in frequency and in information, that will align you to a new expression. But the choice to embody, to be manifested as the Christ, will be always yours. The aspect of you that knows this is true already will be doing the work with you, so you are never without aid. And we are here for you as well as we say “Yes” to you each.”

As grateful as I am for this unconscious imprinting of the Christ consciousness within my being, I am also aware that I can take this teaching for granted or think of it in a very passive way, in a way that I am not consciously connected with. In other words, I can think of it as being something that is happening to me that might be very pleasant and positive but that I don't have much to say about it. Like someone giving me a massage—it feels good and nice and relaxing, but I’m not doing anything—just being on the receiving end of things.

Not to deny the subliminal work of the Spirit, but also to be aware that the transformations that are occurring within you and me are not simply passive events. We enter into the realm of paradox and timelessness again. It is the divine within me revealing itself more and more to my conscious awareness and the power and the ability to do this comes from the divine self. Try this one on for size: it is the divine self revealing itself to the divine self.

In a Course in Miracles there is one tiny reference to an extremely important aspect of the self. The Course calls it the decider. It is the choice maker. Which way will I choose to go? Love or fear; lower vibration/higher vibration; the Divine within or my personality self? 
You will notice that the decider has been trained to respond in particular ways. It has been programmed by all the different influences in our lives. Now, here is an interesting piece, once a program is put into place, it is no longer part of the decider, because it is no longer a choice, it is a program. What most of us have done is to relinquish our power to choose/put the decider aside/ to a program that dictates and directs our thoughts and behaviors. 

The process we are being exposed to now is the unmasking of this programing and the awakening of our awareness to choice again. Specifically, here, the choice to be in the vibration of the Christ Consciousness. Opening ourselves to the power of this choice often times is expressed through conscious surrender. Letting go of the power of old programming and the recognition that there is more to who we are than we have ever allowed ourselves to experience. Reawakening the decider!

Whew! I hope that makes some sense. Right now I am working on cultivating the awareness that examines whether or not the road I am taking is the result of past programming—usually based in fear—or a loving sense of Divine Consciousness stretching me to deep love and deep awareness.

Perhaps that might be a good criteria—does what I am doing expand me or contact me?
“Now we are teachers. That is our role here with you. But we know who we are, what we are, and how we serve is how we are expressed. As you each know who and what you are, your expression is manifested as your consciousness and you call to yourselves the circumstances you require to be of service in whatever way is appropriate to you, to you and your gifts, to you and your abilities, to you and your choices.”

The Guides, as any good teachers, will offer their assistance whenever needed. No matter how good a teacher might be, no matter how selective of the proper words they might use, there will always be questions, or some difficulties in understanding. I know for me that questions, rather than being a distraction or annoyance are always helpful in our learning. Not only do they offer the opportunity to clarify, they also open the door to deeper explorations. In this work especially, even though much of this spiritual work is of the heart rather than the head, and we carry with us the awareness that we might not fully understand or know with the mind, but we can still open to deeper knowing.

Another interesting paradox, hinted at in this first section:

“The aspect of you that knows this is true already will be doing the work with you, so you are never without aid. And we are here for you as well as we say “Yes” to you each.”

“The aspect of you that already knows is doing the work with you.” As is often spoken in spiritual literature, this is a process of re-membering, “coming back” to the true remembrance of who you are. 
I think that was one of the many things Jesus was proclaiming when he suggested we become like little children. As a child I already know who I am—I don’t have to be told—even though very quickly I am told who I am by all those people around me who don’t know who they are!

 “If you work with this now, and you work with the claim of truth, “I know who I am, I know what I am, I know how I serve,” you will do this with yourselves in a way that you may express. This will temper the worry because it will put you back in the authority to be the one who knows who and what she requires.”

But I don’t know who I am,” you might hear your mind saying. Here is our choice again, do I listen to the part of me that does not know or do I listen to the part that does know?

I believe that any one of us doing this work is in their knowing. “I do know who I am, I do know what I am, I do know how I serve,” I might forget; I might even choose to be in denial for a time, but none of that takes way from the truth that I already know.

“The manifestation of this text on this plane will be more than significant. It will be a trajectory for many to the infinite possibility of their own soul’s expression. And we ask you now if you would like to welcome us in. If you would like to welcome us in, the teachers, the vibration that informs this text you may ask us in now. And there is only one word that is required, and we will teach you this word in our next chapter. And the word is “Welcome.” Welcome us, please. Say welcome to us, if you wish, and we are with you.”

I just love that highlighted phrase: “the infinite possibility of (your) own soul’s expression 
Sit with that one.


I so appreciate all of you allowing each other to continually witness the truth of who we are.

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