Monday, December 17, 2018



“Once you understand that the creations you hold are out-pictured by you in consequence to your frequency, and that your frequency is born of thought, and creation responds to thought, you can play a new song and create a new vibration that claims you in its way. You are your music, you know, and your song is your expression.”

Much of our work today centered around this idea or  as it has been expressed many times in the past, “you create your own reality.”

This is a huge oversimplification. Yes, our thoughts contribute to the reality we find ourselves in, but we are not the only ones who are creating reality. Not only are there any number of individual consciousnesses that are creating, we also create on a racial-conscious level or group conscious level. And if it is our thoughts that create then we are creating not only from conscious thoughts but from unconscious ones as well. In other words, many of us are continually influenced by patterns of thought that have been formed perhaps even when we were preverbal. An aspect of the work we are doing now is to help heal those mistaken notions or those negative thought patterns that might continue to create imbalance or even physical illness.

You see the difficulty in the oversimplification of “creating your own reality” would show up, for example, if you were ill from something as simple as a cold to anything more serious. Because someone versed in metaphysical thought would say to you, “Oh you have a cold. You created that.” That makes perfect sense on an intellectual level, but there seems to be something missing.
I am not sure about you, but my first reaction we could be to be angry and annoyed at them, and then to think, in a limited way, “Well, I guess they're probably correct. Now what's the matter with me? What's wrong with me that I would create an illness for myself? I must really be more messed up than I thought!

Let us stick with that example of an illness because it is probably one of the easiest or more poignant examples we can use. yes my negative thinking what are the low vibrational thoughts I might be thinking or living in have probably certainly contributed to my being ill. however there might be many other factors that are involved perhaps I am overly tired more susceptible because I have been doing a lot of work for other people that's just one simple example. There could be a karmic element in my illness. Something that I need to balance out for whatever reason either this lifetime or perhaps others. my illness might be a way of my higher self forcing me to slow down my body. obviously would be much simpler if I just had the thought to slow down but sometimes I need to get whacked on the head.

There are even time when we might have a cold or other upper respiratory stuff going on and the body is actually cleansing itself.
Here's another thought, Suppose I am taking on this illness either consciously or unconsciously to protect another from contracting it.? For example what would it be like if I were presented with a decision either your grandson has this cold or you do which one am I going to choose?
Now I realize that's very edgy ground and we could probably debate that one forever but to me it is worth thinking about. What we are doing here is expanding our consciousness to be aware of other ramifications to “creating your own reality.”

There is also that wonderful story in Christian scripture where man was born blind and the disciples came up to Jesus and ask him, “Who has sinned this man or his parents that he should suffer this infirmity?” (There are some histories that claim the original bible had  many references to reincarnation, but most of them were removed. The reason that is suggested is that church leaders would have much more control if everyone thought this one lifetime is it. This is one of the references that slipped by) Jesus replied, “No one has sinned. This man has this affliction for the honor and glory of God. And after saying that he healed the man of his blindness.

What about all of those individuals who have entered this world with a birth defect or an affliction or what we perceive as suc? Now I realize that there was probably a karmic reason for that choice for them, lessons to be learned, and yet how much have we learned from those who might be disabled or handicapped. The example came up in class of a family who had a child with Downs Syndrome and what a blessing that child is to all those who meet him.

Welcome to the mystery.

You see what most of us do when presented with illness or conflict, especially if we have a little bit of metaphysical knowledge, is to approach it by asking questions such as, “Why do I have this? Why would I manifest this? Why is this happening to me? Why is this happening to someone I love?”

The problem is that none of those questions have a sufficient answer. We are asking questions that we think somehow or another can be solved by the intellect and they cannot. I'm not suggesting that we be overly passive, but I do believe the questions we ask ourselves and ask our situations in life, need to be geared to a level of understanding which gives us information that we can positively work with.

So asking instead, “What am I supposed to learn from this? How can I heal? How can I see this differently?” These are all questions that the soul can answer not in a linear, intellectual way, but we can get answers and information in ways that allow us to move forward.

“Since nobody knows what caused your cancer, I don’t know what you should change in order to help cure it. So why don’t you try this. Why don’t you use cancer as a metaphor and a spur to change all those things in your life that you wanted to change anyway. In other words, repressing certain emotions may or may not have helped cause the cancer, but since you want to stop repressing those emotions anyway, then use the cancer as a reason, as an excuse, to do so. I know advice is cheap here, but why not take the cancer as an opportunity to change all those things on your list that can be changed?”

There is a phrase that is used in 12 step recovery that says “Nothing, absolutely nothing happens in God's Universe by chance.” It is all created by us, in some ways, to learn and to grow from.

On a personal level I must confess that I am prone to periods of negativity or depression. I don't mean depression in a clinical sense( that is a much different situation). When I hit these places of low vibration, low energy I am not always aware of what is happening, and so I can find myself getting sucked in to this downward spiral. When I finally realize what is happening I am already caught in a rather sticky web that is difficult to remove myself from. That is when I begin to think or to say to myself, “What's the matter with you? How many times do you have to be in this place before you learn to do this differently?” So I will get the stick out and beat myself up for a while and then I will beat myself up for beating myself up. That pattern can continue for quite a while. Sometimes my whip hand just needs to get tired enough so I stop and reframe. Here is what I am learning, even though I forget sometimes, negativity or low vibrational thoughts and ideas, things that bring me down, come to the surface of my consciousness not to plague me with self-doubt, but they rise up in my consciousness in order to be healed.

When I am unaware, however, and I find myself in one of these painful places, I do the most natural thing and that is to attempt to push the pain away. Of course, I do not realize what I have mentioned above and that is the pain there is a reflection of a wound that has not completely healed, and so as long as I keep pushing it away, I am preventing the healing from taking place.

This is a tough one because what I am being asked to do, in this place of vulnerability and low vibrational thought, is to embrace the pain, to embrace the circumstances that have allowed it to come to the surface even if I do not understand it, even if I cannot name it. I can be pretty sure that it is something from my childhood that has not been fully addressed as yet. I am being asked to embrace it and to ask it, “What do you have to teach me? How can I heal you?”

A metaphor that is helpful for me to use is to imagine that I am being approached by a child who is hurt or who is in pain. I do not push him or her way as being a bother to me. My heart almost automatically opens in compassion and I hold them lovingly. I might even know I cannot take their pain away, but I can offer them strength and love as they work their way through letting it go and allowing the energy of healing to come through. I don't just do that once or twice I do that as long as is necessary for that child to heal. Even if I am experiencing myself as being depleted and not able to give or contribute that much I still know that I can offer that child my presence my love my caring my concern even if there is nothing else I can give.
Now, of course, what we are looking at here is each one of us being able to do that for ourselves.
For most of us, healing our woundedness is not a one shot deal. The woundedness might need to come up in layers,a bit at t time The difficulty here is that our emotional self is going to experience this woundedness pretty much the same way each time. It comes to consciousness and then the mind will take over and begin to think that we must not have done a very good job in healing the first time because here it is again. The deeper truth is that we do heal in layers, and it even though my emotional self might not be able to distinguish it, each time this woundedness comes up for us and we work on it consciously, we are healing that wound. It is not the same process over and over again; it is dealing with a deeper or another layer of the hurt or shame that has now come up into consciousness in order to be healed.

It was always rather amusing for me to think and hear people talk about calling Silent Unity,  here's their number by the way it is a 24-hour seven-day-a-week prayer line where someone, a living, loving being will pray for you for whatever intention you have. 1-800-669-7720.
I can recall people telling me “Well, I called them up yesterday. I guess I need to wait a couple of days.” As if someone on the other end is saying, “Oh that's Gerry calling again. What a pest! I'm not going to pray with him anymore.” It sounds ludicrous when we put it that way, but sometimes that is still is our thinking. Obviously the prayer line is available whenever and wherever you need it even if you need it minute by minute by minute by minute.

So here I am perhaps struggling with some of my own demons and yet I can come to the point where I can reinforce my knowing that I am responsible even though I don't know how I am responsible for being in this particular place in this particular position. In some way or another, I have created this. I am willing to take responsibility for my creation, unless I do there's nothing else that can happen. So I take responsibility, then I open my heart in compassion to this wounded part of myself that is in pain and that somehow or another has sort of hijacked my consciousness for a while, and I gently put it in its place reminding myself that I have this but it is not who I am.

Then I open myself up in prayer to the Divine Self within. I welcome all those other guiding spirits who are part of my life. All of us who have been doing this work with Paul Selig for a while have become more and more consciously aware at these beings we are calling “the guides” are also here for us as well, not just to be classroom teachers, but to be lovers, to be healers, to be counselors-- all of the above and many more.

As I thanked you this morning, I thank you again for being an answered prayer for me and most likely being an answered prayer for quite a few others as well.

Be at peace.

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