“Indeed, there is an unbroken golden thread that weaves its way through human history, stitching together the many wise voices that have pointed seekers toward the simple spiritual truth. Yet while the timeless message of spirituality may be simple, the searching is not. Why? Because human beings are complex. By the time we make our spiritual searching a conscious endeavor, we have acquired layers of stubborn misconceptions about ourselves and the nature of life. Not only must we follow the golden thread toward spiritual freedom, but we must also unravel the garden variety twine that is wrapped tightly around our hearts and minds. The golden thread parts of my own spiritual story are interesting and enlightening—they involve extraordinary teachers and are set in exotic places, like India and Israel. But the most useful stories emanate from the unraveling of the tightly wound twine. Here the characters and sets are ordinary—me, my family, and others who have shared their questions and growth with me. How we unravel the twine—through the hard knocks of daily life and the hard work of self-examination—is just as much a part of the spiritual path as are solitary retreats and meetings with remarkable teachers. In daily life we make real the rarefied wisdom that we can only glean in meditation and in the words of saints and gurus.”
Lesser, Elizabeth. The Seeker's Guide
P. 130-132
7 “Now, Lord my God, you have made your servant king in place of my father David. But I am only a little child and do not know how to carry out my duties. 8 Your servant is here among the people you have chosen, a great people, too numerous to count or number. 9 So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours?”
10 The Lord was pleased that Solomon had asked for this. 11 So God said to him, “Since you have asked for this and not for long life or wealth for yourself, nor have asked for the death of your enemies but for discernment in administering justice, 12 I will do what you have asked. I will give you a wise and discerning heart, so that there will never have been anyone like you, nor will there ever be. 13 Moreover, I will give you what you have not asked for—both wealth and honor—so that in your lifetime you will have no equal among kings. 14 And if you walk in obedience to me and keep my decrees and commands as David your father did, I will give you a long life.” 15 Then Solomon awoke—and he realized it had been a dream. 1 Kings 3:7-15
That phrase, “ a discerning heart” is often translated as “wisdom,” although “discerning heart” probably give sis a better feel for what wisdom truly is.
“We speak of an inner knowing that is inherited by you through the vehicle you stand in, the energy bodies and the physical body that transmits the frequency through you so you may be in your own knowing in a new way.”
Have you ever become aware that you are “seeing” someone or something differently? A disaster turns into a gratitude; an annoying person turns into a teacher; a difficult situation pushes you into the challenge to respond lovingly.
“Now understand this, please: When you are awakened in a new way, the vision is changed. When the vision is changed, the possibilities are new. When the possibilities are new, there are new choices to call to you. But to be in your wisdom means you identify what you need in a thoughtful, kind way and you inherit your wisdom; you claim the magnificence as the one who may know.”
Certainly one of the ways then you can recognize you are in your wisdom rather than your judgment judgment is of the ego and of the personality wisdom is of the heart .
Another concept which is similar to wisdom is sometimes referred to as discernment. Now this is not just word play. Judgment will practically always be a comparison or an “either-or situation;” “It is either this or that you must choose between black and white.”
Discernment or wisdom comes from the realization that human life lives in an area of grayness and that the directives for one moment might not be the same as the next. The mind loves to have definitions and wants to find ways of dealing with particular in similar ways situations. In the realm of wisdom and discernment, each moment presents us with a choice. And even though my question to myself might be the same, “How can I approach this lovingly?” the answer might be different from one moment to the next. We realize this is terribly disconcerting to the thinking mind which would much prefer to have a formula to follow or an equation to solve, and yet life it's not a cookbook or a mathematical proof.
Ponder that wonderful line quoted above, “you claim the magnificence as the one who may know.” In other words, you are the unique expression of the Divine in this moment and aligned with Divine knowing you respond to this moment perfectly and lovingly.
“Now, when we speak of knowing, as we have explained previously, we do not speak of thinking. Thinking is a process. It’s a sorting. It’s a way of managing information. And you may come to a decision through thinking anytime you need to. Wisdom is inheritance of a divine sense of authority. When one is in his wisdom, he is a benefactor to others because he may share information from a higher level.”
This is also another way of determining whether I am acting from wisdom, my Divine consciousness, or from judgment in my limited personality self. “Am I choosing something that raises the vibration or lowers it; am I opening my heart or am I closing it?”
On some level, we always realize whether what we are holding onto or the action that we are planning or manifesting at this moment is either a loving one or not. Wisdom will always respond lovingly and it will always know the difference between enabling and compassion. We suggest you sit with that one for a moment.
We cannot describe or define all of the many times and situations you might need to apply wisdom in that way, but we encourage you to trust the God wisdom that you are a part of. Then when you are open to it, you will always be guided in a way that expresses love in its most ideal form.
It is probably not difficult to imagine or two sense that love is all around you as well as within you as the essence of your being. We recall that periodically, and there are times when we are gently or forcefully reminded of that truth. Well, wisdom carries with it a similar kind of energy. It is always here. It is an energy or a quality that can be called upon whenever you need it. and eventually there will come a time when you will not need to call or claim love or wisdom because you will realize they are the essence of Who You Are.
This book and others like it often speak of “going into alignment” with a particular quality or energy. We realize this language is different from what you are used to and can sometimes be confusing, so let us repeat a lesson from the past as a way of understanding our present teaching today.
Since we mentioned love above, let us take that as an example. Someone can say to you “I love you” and you can take the words in and even agree with them and say “Yes I know that is true,” but that is an intellectual process you are agreeing to, something on a level of awareness that does not really change or transform anything. It's almost like passing someone a piece of paper with the word “Love” written on it. That's nice but it doesn't do anything
Now let us suppose again someone says, “I love you,” and you will know the truth behind those words and open your heart to it. When you do that, you allow yourself to come into alignment with the truth of the love, in the light, that someone holds you in. You do not need to understand or explain this process, you simply know the truth of it, but notice there was something more that you needed to do rather than just listen to the words. You needed to open yourself up to the truth behind those words or as we are saying here to “come into alignment” with being loved.
Now here we speak of coming into alignment with wisdom. This is a little bit more difficult because we are not used to doing this and so we will offer a very simple example and a very simple method of aligning yourself to wisdom.
You put this process into action without even realizing. It it is a simple technique of moving ourselves away from the needs of the intellect into our awareness and connection with our intuitive self. So if I say to myself, “What would it be like, in this moment, in this situation, to be aligned with Divine wisdom. I immediately open myself up to an awareness of an energy and a deeper truth that goes beyond my human understanding. In other words, I am aligning myself with wisdom. All of us have done this at certain times in our lives although we might not have been totally aware of the process. If for instance we are with someone or talking with someone whom we know and love and discover that they are in a difficult situation, and we want to be compassionate and consoling as well as having the need to offer some advice or information or direction that would be helpful to this person.
Often times when I have found myself in situations like this I have said a silent prayer, “God I have no idea what to tell this person. I have no idea what words might be helpful. Please guide me in the best possible direction to offer this person whom I love, who is in pain or doubt or confusion ,to offer them the best that I possibly can.”
Whether we realize it consciously are not what we have done in those moments is we have aligned ourselves to Divine wisdom. We have released our need to fix someone else or to control their behavior or their feelings and opened ourselves up to the Divine teacher of compassion who will always offer us and give us the grace to respond in the most loving kind compassionate and healing way possible. That energy is always available to us. I only seem to recognize that those sometimes when my back is up against the wall.
And so here, I believe, is a lesson for today. We do not have to wait for our back to be up against the wall before we asked to be aligned to Divine wisdom.
“Now we will ask you this: What is one thing you need to know? Now, don’t ask where you left your keys. You probably left them in your bag anyway, or on the place you always leave them. Ask what you need to know in your worth. “Am I the man I believe I am to be in this lifetime? Am I living the life that is in all my possibilities? Am I allowing myself freedom in true ways? Am I trusting myself enough to give myself the promise of a new way of being in my own way, expressed as me, I know who I am?”
So we offer this challenge today— Anytime, in any situation, this week that you recall this lesson, ask yourself this question and to be open to however it might be answered— “What would it be like to be in Divine wisdom, to be aligned to Divine wisdom in this moment?”
And if you wish to take another leap in consciousness, to ask Divine wisdom that it give you a demonstration of its presence in your life this day. And again, be open to however that might show up.
In love; in light; in gratitude. thank you
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